
DJ Herman

DJ Herman

United States | Unlisted/GuestDJ

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Performance: 0 mixes pr week

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Stamina: 156 total DJ mixes
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DJ HERMAN is a Puerto Rican born DJ sensation who has been a music-lover since day one. An unfortunate accident during his service in the US Army left him with some injuries that make his life hard, but that never stopped him from living his dream. DJ Herman started spinning soon afterwards with an unwavering determination to be one of the top DJ’s worldwide and he’s been pursuing that goal ever since because music is his life.

With the endless support from his amazing family, friends, and fellow DJ’s, there is absolutely nothing that can keep him away from his passion.

DJ Herman strives to be better than he was yesterday and loves to perfect his craft daily. His warrior ethos of “I will NEVER quit” is what sets him apart from the rest. When DJ Herman starts spinning, the dancefloor inevitably gets brought to life. His motto is simple… “Let’s party!”


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